ERP results. a, ERP waveforms over Cz. ERPs over Cz for stimulation trials in the unmasked (blue) and masked (orange) condition as well as sham trials in the masked condition (purple) are shown. The unmasked ERP shows a response 100 ms after stimulation confirming that TUS induces an auditory ERP. The masked ERP shows a response to the masking audio tone starting 100 ms before the onset of the TUS burst. Shaded area represents standard error of the mean. b, Comparison of ultrasound ERPs and auditory ERPs. US-N1 amplitude was defined as the mean amplitude 50–150 ms after stimulation onset, whereas US-P2 amplitude was defined as the mean amplitude 150–250 ms after stimulation onset (baseline window: 0.1 s–0 s). Auditory N1 amplitude was defined as the mean amplitude −100 to 0 ms before stimulation onset, whereas the auditory P2 component was extracted by taking the mean amplitude 0–100 ms after stimulation onset (baseline window: 0.21 s to −0.11 s). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)