(a–c) IRMPD and CID/HCD of SCRI104
complex, see Table S2 for additional information.
(a) IRMPD of (black envelope, 38+) precursor (pr.) leading
to the ejection of Csy3 (green, 21+) with an isotopically
resolved peak (inset, 20+) and Cas6f (purple, 17+), as well as a subunit fragment (red, 18+), and the formation
of pr.–Cas6f (purple, 40+), pr.–fragment
(red, 30+), pr.–Cas6f (purple, 23+),
pr.–Csy3 (green, 19+). Collision energy = 0 direct
eV, 1.44 J/pulse, p(N2) = 1.29 ×
10–10 mbar, resolution 140k @ m/z 200, no micro-scan averaging. (b) CID/HCD of
(black envelope, 38+) precursor leading to the ejection
of Csy3 dimer (blue, 22+), Csy1 (red, 20+),
Csy3 (green, 15+) with zoom-on isotopic distribution (inset,
20+), and Cas6f (purple, 10+). Collision energy
= 120 direct eV, no laser, p(N2) = 3.22
× 10–10 mbar, resolution 140k @ m/z 200, 10 micro-scans averaging. (c) Structural
model of an analogous CRISPR–Cas complex (PDB ID: 5UZ9). (d–g) IRMPD
of GroEL loaded with ATP. (d) Structural model of GroEL (PDB ID: 4AAS). (e) Comparison
of the mass spectra of (black) bare GroEL and (blue) GroEL loaded
with ATP. (f) IRMPD of bare GroEL for different irradiances and laser
shot numbers. Collision energy = 1 direct eV, p(N2) = 1.27 × 10–10 mbar, resolution 140k
@ m/z 200, no microscans averaging.
(c) Structural model of an analogous CRISPR–Cas complex (PDB
ID: 5UZ9). (g)
IRMPD of GroEL loaded with ATP at different irradiances. Collision
energy = 1 direct eV, p(N2) = 1.61 ×
10–10 mbar, resolution 140k @ m/z 200, no micro-scans averaging.