Table 2.
Ref | Year | Tumor Type | Task | Model Name | Image Type | Model Desc. | Software | Hardware | Dataset | Instances | Performance |
[70] ** | 2020 | Glioma, Meningioma, Pituitary | Segmentation | ELM-LRF | MRI | Implemented an enhanced softmax loss function that is more suitable for multiclass applications. | Python 3.6; Keras |
Brain Tumor Dataset [58] | 3064 | 99.54%, 98.14%, 98.67% (Per Tumor Type) |
[69] | 2020 | Glioma, Meningioma, Pituitary | Segmentation | ResNet50 | MRI | Glioma, meningioma, and pituitary tumor segmentation with the ResNet50 architecture. |
Brain Tumor Dataset [58] | 3064 | 99% |
[73] | 2020 | Glioma | Segmentation | HCNN; CRF-RRNN | MRI | The composite architecture of HCNN to capture mixed scale context and CRF-RRNN reconstruct a global segmentation. | N/A | N/A | 220 HGG; 50 LGG | 98.6% | |
[74] | 2019 | Glioma | Segmentation | FCNN; DMD | MRI | Enhanced FCNN with batch normalization and DMD features to provide spatial consistency. Fisher vector encoding method for texture invariance to scale and rotation. | Caffe |
BraTS2015 [64] | 220 HGG; 50 LGG | 91% |
[86] ** | 2018 | Glioma | Segmentation | P-Net; PC-Net | MRI | Addresses zero-shot learning by taking user input bounding boxes and scribbles to fine-tune segmentations. | Caffe |
BraTS2015 [64] | 220 HGG; 50 LGG | 86.29% |
[75] | 2019 | Glioma | Segmentation | FCNN | MRI | A novel N3T-spline utilizes is used to preprocess 3D input images. GLCM extracts feature vectors and are inputs into a CNN. | MATLAB R2017a | N/A | BraTS2015 [64] | 220 HGG; 50 LGG | N/A |
[71] | 2020 | N/A | Segmentation | 3-layer DCNN * | MRI | Utilized Otsu thresholding to create a novel skull stripping algorithm. GLCM and a three-layer CNN segments the stripped images. | MATLAB R2018b | N/A | IBSR [89] | 18 | 98% |
[72] | 2020 | Glioma | Segmentation | Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Tumor (ADST) * | 3D MRI | Region Growing and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) operators are used to build a feature vector that is then segmented | N/A | N/A | BraTS2018 [61] | 210 HGG; 75 LGG | 87.20% for HGG; 83.77 for LGG (Average Jaccard) |
[81] ** | 2019 | Glioma | Segmentation | Hourglass Net | MRI | Enhanced Hourglass Network with added residual blocks and novel concatenation layers. | N/A | NVIDIA TITAN X GPU | BraTS2018 [61] | 210 HGG; 75 LGG | 92% |
[83] ** | 2019 | Glioma | Segmentation | XGBoost; U-Net; DAU-Net (Domain Adaptive U-Net) * | MRI | Implementation of a U-Net variation using instance normalization to boost domain adaptation. | PyTorch | 4 NVIDIA Titan Xp GPU cards | BraTS2018 [61] | 210 HGG; 75 LGG | 91% (Whole Tumor) |
[82] | 2019 | Glioma | Segmentation | MC-Net; OM-Net | MRI | Ensemble network of several MC-Net and OM-Net variations. Attention mechanisms are added to increases sensitivity to relevant channel-wise interdependencies | N/A | N/A | BraTS2018 [61] | 210 HGG; 75 LGG | 90% (Whole Tumor) |
[84] ** | 2019 | Glioma | Segmentation | U-Net | MRI | The U-Net variation that uses batch normalization and residual blocks to improve performance on neurological images. | N/A |
BraTS2018 [61] | 210 HGG; 75 LGG | 86.8% (Whole Tumor) |
[85] | 2019 | Glioma | Segmentation | U-Net | MRI | Extension of the U-Net to train with “mixed supervision”, meaning both pixel-wise & image-level ground truths to achieve superior performance. | N/A | N/A | BraTS2018 [61] | 210 HGG; 75 LGG | N/A for the entire dataset |
[77] | 2019 | Glioma, Meningioma, Pituitary, and Negative |
Classification |
MRI | Several of the pre-trained models (simple CNNs, Xception, VGG16, and VGG19) were fused together in a composite architecture. | Keras | N/A | N/A | 1167 | 98.89% |
[87] ** | 2020 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Segmentation | CNN | CT | 3D CNN architecture to create voxel-wise segmentation of TBI CT scans. | N/A | N/A | CENTER-TBI (Datasets 1 & 2) [90]; CQ500 [91] | 539; 500 (Patients) | 94% |
[78] | 2019 | N/A | Segmentation | M-SVM; CNN |
MRI | SGLDM and M-SVM are applied to extract and classify MRI scans. CNN is then applied to segment the extracted feature vectors. | N/A | N/A | N/A | 40 | 84% |
[76] | 2019 | N/A | Segmentation | SWT; GCNN | MRI | Dataset is preprocessed with a novel skull stripping. Features are extracted with SWT, classified with a Random Forest implementation and finally segmented with GCNN. | N/A | N/A | BRAINIX [92] | 2457 | 98.6% (SSIM Score) |
[80] ** | 2018 | Glioma | Segmentation | U-Net | MRI | HPU-Net enhances the traditional U-Net with multiscale images and image pyramids. | Keras; Tensorflow | NVIDIA Titan X GPU | 430 HGG; 145 LGG | 71% and 80% (Respective to dataset) | |
[88] ** | 2015 | Glioma | Segmentation | ImageNet LSVRC 2013 | H&E Histology | Patches are extracted from large histopathology scans and passed into ImageNet LSVRC 2013 architecture. Linear SVM classifier pools extracted feature vectors. | N/A | N/A | MICCAI 2014 [94] | 35 | 84% |
* Model names with asterisks are not defined in the original papers and names were assigned based on the models applied. Note: For abbreviations description in this table please refer to the list of abbreviations on the back part of this article (before References). ** the references with “**” mean that the results achieved by their methods or the dataset used have been validated/supervised by specialists (e.g., pathologists/radiologists).