Figure 2.
Presence of p38γ and pp38γ in preclinical and human tissue. (a) Whole tissue extracts from normal subject, CTT liver, and two derived from human cancerous colorectal tissue were prepared and subjected to SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis using specific antibodies to pp38γ. Equal loading was confirmed using antibodies against p38γ. Normal subject (lane 1), CRC patients (lane 2, lane 3), and CTT liver (lane 4). (b) Densitometric values (means ± SEM) expressed as ratio of pp38γ/p38γ. * p value < 0.001. (c) Whole tissue extracts prepared from common marmoset (CM-C. jacchus) colon tissues (lanes 1–6) not at risk representing a negative control, in contrast CM small intestinal ileum are potentially at risk and a positive control (doxorubicin treated breast cancer cell line) were all similarly subjected to SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis using specific antibodies to p38 and p38γ. None of the CM tissues have p38γ but all express total p38 (α and β) (n = 6). (d) Whole tissue extracts prepared from different organs of common marmoset, liver (lanes 1 and 2), gall bladder (lane 3), colon (lane 4), and ileum (lane 5) were subjected to SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis using specific antibody to p38γ (n = 2).