Expression of tumor metastasis associated antigens in tamarin and marmoset colonic tissue. Tissue extracts were obtained from the Callitrichidae family of nonhuman primates; cancerous (CTT n = 5) and corresponding normal mucosa (CTT n = 5) and (CM n = 5). The expression of tumor metastasis associated antigens were determined by ELISA. Antibody and antigen group designations: BGP-Biliary glycoprotein (CEACAM1), CEA Superfamily 53.5, CEA family 46.1, T84.66,FH6 Sial LeX fucoganglioside 6B, FH2 sialylated Lewis X, KH1 Extended Lewis Y blood group, Sialyl Tn α-sialyl Tn, CaCo3/61 fucosylated aminoproteoglycan, Adnab-9 Paneth cell glycoprotein p87. Positivity status was determined by an OD-background ≥0.05 as previously described [9]. Significant differences comparisons were made to BGP by nonparametric tests and the * indicates a p value < 0.002. Only CTT extracts were available for most of the blood group antigen testing. Additional comparisons to human can be found as described [34]