Fig. 4. Voltage sensors of NALCN at the depolarized state.
a Sequence alignment of S2 and S4 segments. The sequences of rat NALCN, human NALCN, fruit fly NCA, nematode NCA1, NCA2, human CaV3.1, rabbit CaV1.1, human NaV1.2, and human NaV1.4 were aligned using PROMALS3D53. Residues forming the charge-transfer center are shaded in gray. The conserved negative or polar E1 and E4 on S2 segments, F3 on S2 segments, and positive R1-R6 on S4 segments are highlighted in red, brown, and blue, respectively. b Structures of four VSDs in NALCN. Gating charges and charge-transfer center residues are shown as sticks. 310 helices are colored in pink.