Table 1.
Question Number | Comment | Issue | Decision |
All | Expression: “Your cancer” | Appropriateness for people living with and beyond cancer | Replace “your cancer” by “a cancer” or just “cancer” |
All | Terminology specific to the clinical context | Semantic equivalence | Verify the accuracy and adapt where needed |
All | Passages using different phrasing to communicate the same meaning | Conceptual equivalence | Reconcile by retaining phrasings closer to those used in the original version |
Q1 | Terminology specific to insurance | Item equivalence | Verify the accuracy and adapt as needed |
Q2 | Terminology specific to insurance for life-threatening disease | Item equivalence | Verify the accuracy and adapt as needed |
Q4 | Uneven phrasing in subquestions 4a to 4j | Semantic equivalence and uniformity | Uniformize the phrasing |
Q9 | Negative phrasing: “lesser value housing”/“maison de valeur moindre” | Appropriateness for persons living with and beyond cancer | Replace by a positive phrasing: “more affordable housing”/“maison plus abordable” |
Q12 and Q13 | Designation of the participant in a column of the table: “patient” | Appropriateness for persons living with and beyond cancer | Replace “patient” by “you” |
Q15 | Choice of income categories | Comparability with national survey instruments | Harmonize with Statistics Canada categories |
N.A. | Maladapted coping strategies remain unaddressed | Clinical relevance | Add a question: Have you or any of your caregivers taken any of the following actions for financial reasons?