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. 2020 Dec 3;10:21177. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-77818-0

Table 3.

Range, mean, and coefficient of variation (CV%) for days to 50% flowering, 100-grain weight (TGW) and nutritional traits in a set of 212 and 39 pearl millet core collection accessions evaluated during the 2011 summer and 2011 rainy seasons, Patancheru, India.

Trait Range Mean No. of entries with greater trial mean CV %
(39) (212) (39) (212) (39) (212) (39) (212)
Days to 50% flower (d) 41–67 41–70 53.3 56 18 112 2.3 4.7
TGW (g) 6–16 5–15 11.1 9 17 91 7.1 10.1
(mg kg−1)
Fe 48–93 34–90 70.7 54 19 102 2.6 6.6
Zn 33–65 30–74 52.6 49 23 96 3.2 8.3
Mn 10–17 13.8 19 7.0
Cu 4–7 5.7 21 11.1
Mo 0.6–2.2 1.4 18 23.2
Ni 0.7–1.9 1.2 19 28.2
Ca 85–249 172.6 19 1.9
Mg 1127–1837 1335.1 15 0.6
Na 8–22 14.0 18 7.5
K 3167–5133 4174.4 20 0.4
P 2900–4733 3644.7 17 0.4
S 1123–1703 1366.9 16 0.6