(A) Using the Luminex assay, the combined escitalopram group demonstrated
a greater percent reduction in Aβ42 than the placebo
group, with an overall difference between groups of 9.4%
(F1,109 = 16.64, p
< 0.001, 95% confidence interval [CI] 4.9%–14.2%,
d = 0.81). On average, there was a 6.0% (SEM
1.2%) reduction of Aβ42 in the escitalopram-treated
group (blue bar) vs a 3.5% (SEM 2.2%) increase in the placebo-treated
group (orange bar). (B) The 20 mg 2 weeks escitalopram group (light blue
bar) had a 3.8% (SEM 1.8%) reduction in Aβ42 on average
(not significant compared to placebo). For the 20 mg × 8 weeks
group (medium blue bar), there was a 7.8% (SEM 1.4%) average reduction.
For the 30 mg × 8 weeks escitalopram group (dark blue bar), the
average reduction was 6.1% (SEM 2.5%), compared with an average increase
of 3.5% (2.2%) in the placebo-treated group (orange bar; Tukey adjusted
p = 0.002, 95% CI 3.4%–19.5%,
d = 0.94 and p = 0.007,
95% CI 2.0%–17.1%, d = 0.69, comparing
placebo to the 20 mg × 8 weeks and 30 mg × 8 weeks groups,
respectively). (C) Using mass spectrometry, similar results were found:
overall difference in average percent change between groups of 11.1%
(F1,109 = 11.593,
p < 0.001, 95% CI [18.5%–4.9%,
d = 0.60). See Results for details. (D) For
the 20 mg × 8 weeks group (medium blue bar), there was a 10.5% (SEM
3.6%) average reduction that was significantly different than the
placebo group (Tukey adjusted p = 0.001, 95% CI
5.5%–29.0%, d = 0.89). See Results for
other details. All p values resulted from 2-sided
statistical tests and statistical significance was set at
*p < 0.05, **p
< 0.01, and ***p < 0.001.