Habit and life cycle of wild taro (Colocasia esculenta var. aquatilis). Upper panel: commensal wild taro in clump (left), spreading by long stolons (right), along roadside (vegetative population, Okinawa, Japan). Lower panel: inflorescence with upper spathe open at anthesis (to release pollinating flies held in the lower chamber with female flowers), and spadix emerging (Papua New Guinea) (left); mature fruiting head with numerous berries that are attractive for birds (Myanmar) (middle left); wild taro flowering at edge of forest (right), with nearby seedlings (middle right) growing on ground saturated with water from seepage at foot of a steep hill (Markham valley, PNG); and vertical section through two immature, green berries, showing parietal placentation of seeds and unfertilized ovules (at different location) (inset)