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. 2020 Oct 17;2(2):fcaa173. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcaa173

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics of standardized group performance on reading and non-verbal ability measures and F tests following significant MANOVA analyses results

Variable Controls (n =18)
Dyslexics (n =16)
Reading and decoding ability
 Word identification 120.50 6.38 85.00 8.87 182.43*
 Passage comprehension 107.11 4.00 87.31 10.15 58.47*
 Sentence reading fluency 120.89 1.45 89.06 10.77 154.36*
 Word attack 90.50 2.83 79.69 10.53 17.61*
Phonological awareness
 Phoneme elision 11.22 1.22 7.19 1.97 52.81*
 Phoneme isolation 11.28 1.56 7.06 3.04 26.68*
 Word blending 11.11 0.83 7.25 2.62 35.21*
Non-verbal ability
 Matrix reasoning 72.33 7.77 72.56 8.66 0.01

Word identification, word attack, sentence reading fluency has a mean standard score of 100 with a standard deviation of 15; passage comprehension, phoneme elision and isolation, and word blending has a mean scaled score of 10 and a standard deviation of 3; and matrix reasoning has a mean T score of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. Wilks’ λ = 0.11, F(6,192) = 57.66 P < 0.001;


P < 0.001.