Panels A-D: Percentage of all responses are shown. A. Choices of diagnostic tests performed to confirm PA for the first-time patient with potential PA and a long-standing patient for re-confirming PA. B. Topics discussed by allergists at the initial office visit with a first-time or long-standing patient with PA and their caregivers. C. Discussions about QoL with patients/caregivers. D. Monitoring for resolution of PA after confirming the diagnosis in a first-time PA patient. Blue gradient bar shows average results for responses from France (FR), Germany (DE) and the United Kingdom (UK) (n = 109; FR (36), DE (38), UK (35)), and circles represent individual countries with the respective two-letter acronym. Only statistically significant p values from Chi-Square distribution analyses comparing differences among the three individual countries. (p ≤ 0.05). IgE, Immunoglobulin E; PA, peanut allergy; OIT, oral immunotherapy; OFC, oral food challenge.