Panels A-E: Mean scores of allergists’ responses are shown. A. Significant barriers to the optimal management of patients with PA. B. Familiarity with clinical trials regarding emerging therapies for PA. C. Concerns with aspects related to investigational OIT for PA. D. Significance of factors in selecting between treatments, if multiple immunotherapies for PA become available. E. Factors important in the decision to recommend OIT for PA treatment ranked with the highest score at 1st Rank and lowest at 5th Rank; Blue gradient bar shows average results for responses from France (FR), Germany (DE) and the United Kingdom (UK) (n = 109; FR (36), DE (38), UK (35)), and circles represent individual countries with the respective two-letter acronym. Only statistically significant p-values from ANOVA tests comparing differences among the three individual countries (p ≤ 0.05) are shown in figures. PA, peanut allergy; OIT, oral immunotherapy.