Table 3. Risk of bias in the included studies.
Domains of randomized control studies | ||||||||
Study | Random sequence generation | Allocation concealment | Blinding of participants | Blinding of personnel | Blinding of outcome assessment | Incomplete outcome data | Selective reporting | |
Feiz-erfan et al. | unclear | unclear | low | low | low | low | high | |
Sys et al. | unclear | low | unclear | unclear | low | high | low | |
Kubota et al. | low | unclear | low | low | low | low | low | |
Domains of Cohort studies | ||||||||
Representativeness of the exposed cohort | Selection of the nonexposed cohort | Ascertainment of exposure | Demonstration outcome already | Comparability of cohorts | Assessment of outcome | Follow-up time | Adequacy of follow-up of cohorts | |
Gastro et al. | low | low | low | high | low | high | low | low |
Jenis et al. | low | low | low | high | low | low | low | low |
Tsai et al. | low | low | low | high | low | high | low | low |
Hartmann et al. | low | high | low | low | high | high | low | high |
Acebal et al. | low | low | low | high | low | low | low | low |
Imagama et al | low | low | low | high | low | low | low | low |
Rezende et al. | high | high | low | high | low | high | low | low |