Extended Data Fig. 6. Mutations in the basic region of SSX affect the targeting and function of SS18-SSX-containing BAF complexes.
a, Peptide hybridization of IMR90 cells using SSX and mutant basic region mutant peptides. Arrows indicate positions of the Barr bodies. Scale bar=5μm. b, Gene expression changes across each SS18 WT and SS18-SSX variant conditions from Fig. 3g. c, Immunoblot performed on whole-cell extracts (RIPA extraction) from SYO1 cells treated with either shCtrl or shSSX and infected with either empty vector or SS18-SSX variants, used in proliferation experiments in Extended Data Fig. 6d. d, Proliferative rescue experiments performed in SYO1 SS cell line treated with shSSX and rescued with either vector control, SS18-SSX or SS18-SSX (R169A or W164A) variants. Error bars represent mean ± s.d. of n = 3 independent experimental replicates; * p < 0.05 determined from a two-tailed t-test. e, Peptide hybridization of IMR90 cells using SSX and mutant basic region mutant (W164A and R169A) peptides. Arrows indicate positions of the Barr bodies. Scale bar= 5μm. f, ChIP-seq studies (anti-V5) performed in CRL7250 cells infected with either SS18-SSX or SS18-SSX W164A mutant, mapped as summary plot over SS18-SSX target sites. g, RNA-seq (gene expression), box and whisker plots indicating average expression in SS18-SSX versus SS18-SSX W164A mutant conditions. Uncropped gel images for all relevant panels are presented in Supplementary Figure 1. Data for panel d are available as source data.