Figure 4.
The effect of AAT on LPS-induced neutrophil chemotaxis. MDMs were incubated with LPS (10 ng/ml) overnight. To examine the ability of AAT to regulate neutrophil transmigration, conditioned media of M- and Z-MDMs were collected and placed in the bottom chamber of transwell system. Freshly isolated neutrophils were placed in the top chamber of the transwell system. The number of neutrophils migrated to the bottom layer were counted after 30 min. (A) The number of neutrophils in the bottom layer was divided by the total number of neutrophils to calculate the migration rate of control MDMs. (B) To calculate the migration rate after LPS treatment, the migration rate of control MDM was set to 100%, and the migration rate of LPS-treated MDM was normalized to control for each individual; n=5. *Denotes statistical significance (p-value < 0.05) according to two-tailed Student’s t-test.