The UPGMA dendrogram based on amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprint, generated with a total of four selective bases (EcoRI-AC/MseI-CT) for 80 Histoplasma capsulatum originated from Brazil. AFLP results show a significant grouping according to geographical origin (Northeast and Southeast Brazil) and MLSA clusters, revealing five differentiated AFLP groups (LAm B, C, D, E and RJ). The dendrogram shows cophenetic correlation values (circles) for a given clade and its standard deviation (gray bar). Patterns of mating-type idiomorphs’ distribution across AFLP groups are shown. Fragments between 50 and 500 bp are shown. For pairwise, genetic distances calculation, Dice coefficient was used. The cophenetic correlation of the dendrogram is 0.84. Bayesian cluster analyses with STRUCTURE (k = 2) of 80 H. capsulatum samples based on AFLP. Each vertical bar represents one individual and its probabilities of being assigned to clusters. Further information about isolate source can be found in Table S1. CE, Ceará (Northeast); ES, Espírito Santo; RJ, Rio de Janeiro; SP, São Paulo (Southeast); 1-1, MAT1-1 mating type idiomorph; 1-2, MAT1-2 mating type idiomorph. Note that clade naming follows the original appearance of the isolates in the literature (Kasuga et al., 2003, Taylor et al., 2005, Muniz Mde et al., 2010).