Table 2.
Study | Patients features | rTMS features | Findings | ||||||||
Ref | Design | MS type | Sample size (gender, age) | Pain type | Target | Protocol | Primary outcomes | Secondary outcomes | Follow up | Side effects | Results |
Seada et al. (2013) | Randomized, parallel (control group: LLT) | NS | 30 (age 56.4 ± 6.6) | TN | NS | 10 Hz, 50 mA, 20 min | Pain NRS | Oral mouth opening, masseter and temporalis muscle tension and CMAP | None | NS | Both groups improved, no statistical comparison between the two groups |
Korzhova et al. (2019) | Randomized, parallel, single blind sham-controlled | SP | 34 (W: 20, M: 14) | Spasticity pain | M1 | Ten sessions for 5 days for 2 weeks; HF rTMS (20 Hz, 30 min); iTBS (35 Hz, 1,200 pulses, 10 min) | Spasticity (MAS, NAS, SESS) | Pain, fatigue (MFIS) | 2 and 12 weeks | None | MAS significantly improved to HF rTMS and iTBS; SESS significantly improved to iTBS and lasted at follow-up; pain and fatigue significantly improved to HF rTMS |
CMAP, compound muscle action potential; HF, high frequency; Hz, hertz; iTBS, intermittent theta-burst stimulation; LLT, low-level laser therapy; M, men; mA, milliampere; MAS, Modified Ashworth Scale; MFIS, Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory Score; MS, multiple sclerosis; M1, primary motor cortex; NAS, numerical analog scale; NRS, numerical rating scale; NS, not specified; Ref, reference; rTMS, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation; SESS, Subjective Evaluating Spasticity Scale; SP, secondary progressive; tDCS, transcranial direct current stimulation; TNP, trigeminal neuropathy; W, women.