Figure 9.
Local correlation maps for simulations using the PP-wcMF-A-CA3 model, which includes the perforant path, mossy fiber, and associational projections to CA3. In the subplots, the strength of the associational synapses was modulated as indicated by the subplot titles. All other synapses remained at their experimentally constrained strength. Longitudinal-transverse cross-sections at a temporal lag of 0 ms are shown. Nine local correlation maps were computed for each synaptic strength which represents the local spatio-temporal correlation based on the longitudinal-transverse region as divided into CA3c, CA3b, and CA3a along the transverse axis (left to right) and roughly into the septal, middle, and temporal sections (top to bottom) along the longitudinal axis. The longitudinal boundaries were defined with a window size of 5 mm and centered at 7.5 (septal), 5.0, and 2.5 (temporal) mm along the longitudinal axis. Red areas represent positive correlation, and blue areas represent negative correlation.