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. 2020 Jun 18;7(6):626–635. doi: 10.1093/nop/npaa034

Table 2.

Multivariable Cox Regression Model. Univariable and Multivariable Cox Model Evaluating Association of Available Covariates With Overall Survival

Characteristic Univariable Multivariable
HR 95% CI HR 95% CI P
Time to proton initiation (continuous, wk) 1.042 1.001-1.085 1.079 1.013-1.149 .018
Age (continuous, y) 1.035 1.022-1.049 1.014 0.986-1.044 .322
 Male (reference)
 Female 0.871 0.439-1.730
 White (reference)
 Black 1.318 0.314-5.528
 Other 0.542 0.165-1.778
 Private insurance (reference)
 No Insurance
 Medicaid 0.899 0.343-2.361 0.558 0.157-1.991 .369
 Medicare 3.428 1.393-8.435 0.477 0.132-1.723 .258
Income, $
 < 38 000 (reference)
 38 000-47 999 0.698 0.242-2.014 1.556 0.425-5.691 .504
 48 000-62 999 0.487 0.177-1.342 0.483 0.148-1.572 .227
 > 63 000 0.247 0.091-0.667 0.310 0.083-1.155 .081
Tumor histology
 Glial (reference)
 Embryonal 0.064 0.027-0.154 0.090 0.026-0.311 <.001
 Ependymal 0.095 0.032-0.285 0.146 0.038-0.554 .005
 Germ cell
 Meningeal 0.39 0.088-1.727 0.151 0.025-0.895 .037
 Other 2.903 0.375-22.441 3.889 0.319-47.358 .287
Facility typea
 Academic center (reference)
 Nonacademic center 0.286 0.055-1.477 1.098 0.174-6.929 .921
 Unknown 0.121 0.028-0.512 2.030 0.215-19.195 .537
Charlson Comorbidity score
 0 (ref)
 1 4.22 1.617-11.016 3.762 0.676-20.921 .130
 2+ 2.929 0.882-9.729 5.102 1.299-20.043 .020
Resection extent
 GTR (reference)
 Other/Unknown 0.974 0.234-4.060

Abbreviations: GTR, gross total resection; HR, hazard ratio; IQR, interquartile range; STR, subtotal resection; WHO, World Health Organization.

aFacility type available only for patients age 40 or older.