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. 2020 Nov 5;11(11):1312. doi: 10.3390/genes11111312

Table 4.

Restricted maximum likelihood heritability (h2) estimates for birth weight, postweaning gain, and marbling score using pedigree and different genomic relationship matrices.

Birth Weight Postweaning Gain Marbling Score
Relationship a h2 (SE) N h2 n h2 n
Pedigree a 0.595 (0.008) 78,625 0.526 (0.010) 68,846 0.538 (0.018) 33,850
Gall b 0.573 (0.011) 16,512 0.474 (0.013) 16,144 0.508 (0.017) 10,898
GF250 c 0.545 (0.011) 16,440 0.442 (0.012) 16,068 0.471 (0.016) 10,822
GF250s d 0.380 (0.023) 16,440 0.270 (0.019) 16,068 0.342 (0.021) 10,822
GF250r e 0.066 (0.007) 16,440 0.062 (0.007) 16,068 0.105 (0.009) 10,822
G50K f 0.519 (0.011) 16,440 0.437 (0.012) 16,068 0.466 (0.016) 10,822

a Pedigree BLUP including downsampled steers. b 748,804 autosomal and pseudo-autosomal variants from GGP-F250 and BovineHD arrays, filtered for >0.95 call rate and pedigree imputation accuracy. Genomic BLUP (GBLUP) included downsampled steers. c 116,472 filtered variants from GGP-F250. GBLUP excluded downsampled steers. d GGP-F250 subsets selected for trait-specific effects: 551 birth weight; 585 postweaning gain; and 698 marbling score. GBLUP excluded downsampled steers. e Randomly selected GGP-F250 subsets, same size as trait-specific subsets. GBLUP excluded downsampled steers. f 51,496 BovineHD variants common with BovineSNP50 array. GBLUP excluded downsampled steers.