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. 2020 Dec 3;9:275. doi: 10.1186/s13643-020-01510-7

Table 1.

Characteristics and summary of findings of the included studies

Study (country) Population Prescribing-associated HIT Study design Hospital setting Sample Error detection method Baseline error
rate (%)
Technology-generated errors (TGE) detected
Abbass 2011 [37] (USA) Adult CPOE (commercial) Control group All areas 1110 (orders) Chart review 20.8 Lack of CDS led to allergy/DDI errors.
Ali 2010 [39] (UK) Adult CPOE (commercial) Time series analysis ICU 14721 (prescriptions) Routine pharmacist review; Chart review 16.7 Allergy alert did not fire if the allergy field was not already completed by the prescriber.
Al-Sarawi 2019 [38] (Australia) Adult ePrescribing (EP) (commercial) Pre-post All areas 4689 (orders) Chart review 67.7 Duplicate orders increased post-CPOE.
Armada 2014 [40] (Spain) Adult CPOE (commercial) Time series analysis ICU 5729 (orders) Routine pharmacist review 44.8 Selection errors made while searching for drugs on drop-down menus.
Bates 1998 [42] (USA) Adult CPOE (homegrown) Pre-post 2 medical wards; 2 surgical wards; 2 ICUs 24453 (pt. days) Routine pharmacist review; chart review 5.0 Increase in therapeutic duplication of sedating drugs, which the CPOE did not prevent.
Bates 1999 [41] (USA) Adult CPOE (homegrown) Time series analysis 3 medical units 7985 (pt. days) Routine pharmacist review; chart review; medication order review 1.7 Missed dose errors (not main outcome of interest) increased with CPOE.
Bizovi 2002 [67] (USA) Adult/paediatric EP (commercial) Pre-post ED 3920 (prescriptions) Routine pharmacist review; medication order review 2.3 Free-text electronic prescriptions had a higher rate of error than the pick-list prescriptions.
Boling 2005 [57] (USA) Paediatric CPOE (commercial) Pre-post All areas 21253 (orders) Trigger tool methodology; chart review; voluntary error reports 0.1 (opioids) None found.
Colpaert 2006 [43] (Belgium) Adult CPOE (commercial) Prospective controlled trial 3 units in an ICU 2510 (prescriptions) Chart review; medication order review 27.0 CPOE errors were mostly duplicate prescriptions.
Cordero 2004 [58] (USA) Neonatal CPOE (commercial) Pre-post NICU 211 (patients) Chart review 12.6 (gentamicin) None found.
Delgado Silveira 2007 [44] (Spain) Adult EP (commercial) Pre-post 2 medical units 4814 (prescriptions) Routine pharmacist review 94.2 Drug interaction errors increased with CPOE, this was not significant.
Donyai 2008 [45] (UK) Adult EP (commercial) Pre-post Surgical ward 4803 (orders) Routine pharmacist review; chart review; medication order review 3.8 Selection errors were found post-EP. 1 wrong-patient error post-EP, authors uncertain if TGE.
Hernandez 2015 [46] (France) Adult CPOE (commercial) Pre-post Orthopaedic unit 2981 (orders) Chart review; Direct observation 30.1 Duplicate orders increased with CPOE.
Hitti 2017 [47] (Lebanon) Adult EP (homegrown) Pre-post ED 2883 (prescriptions) Chart review 67.7 Duplicate errors increased with CPOE.
Hodgkinson 2017 [68] (Australia) Adult/paediatric EP (commercial) Pre-post ED and OPD 1289 (orders) Routine pharmacist review; medication order review 95.0 50 systems-related errors post-CPOE, such as selection errors or not filling in necessary fields.
Howlett 2020 [59] (Ireland) Paediatric EP (commercial) Time series analysis PCCU 3356 (orders) Routine pharmacist review 10.2 Incorrect formulation and dose errors increased with EP.
Jani 2008 [60] (UK) Paediatric EP (commercial) Pre-post Nephrology OPD 2222 (orders)

Routine pharmacist review;

Chart review

7.1 Duplicate orders increased with CPOE. Wrong route, frequency, and overdose also found due to selection errors.
Kadmon 2009 [61] (Israel) Paediatric CPOE (commercial) Time series analysis PICU 5000 (orders) Medication order review 5.5 Prescriptions were found to be prescribed by nurses, due to doctors using computers where a nurse was already logged in.
Kazemi 2011 [62] (Iran) Neonatal CPOE (commercial) Time series analysis Neonatal unit 4508 (medication days) Medication order review 51.9 ‘Neighbouring cell’ errors were noted, where a prescriber chose a nearby cell in error or used incorrect data to do dose calculations.
Kenawy 2019 [69] (Egypt) Adult/paediatric EP (commercial) Pre-post 4 OPDs (cardiology, nephrology, paediatric, neurology) 25057 (orders) Voluntary error reports 28.3 Indication and omission prescribing errors increased with EP.
King 2003 [63] (Canada) Paediatric CPOE (commercial) Pre-post 3 medical wards; 2 surgical wards 12460 (patients) Voluntary error reports 0.1 None found.
Liao 2017 [48] (USA) Adult CPOE (commercial) Time series analysis ICU 3988 (pt. days) Chart review 86.6 Reduction in errors only evident 2 years post-implementation.
Mahoney 2007 [70] (USA) Adult/paediatric CPOE (commercial) Pre-post All areas 2843165 (orders) Routine pharmacist review 0.33 Duplicate errors did not significantly decrease with CPOE.
Mills 2017 [49] (UK) Adult EP (commercial) Pre-post All areas 318 (patients) Chart review; medication order review 99.4 8/37 errors post- EP were selection errors on menus.
Pontefract 2018 [50] (UK) Adult CPOE (commercial) Pre-post All areas 2422 (patients) Trigger tool methodology; routine pharmacist review; chart review 5.0 Increase in insulin prescribing errors with CPOE in 1 site due to lack of CDS.
Potts 2004 [64] (USA) Paediatric CPOE (homegrown) Pre-post CCU 13828 (orders) Routine pharmacist review; medication order review 30.1 Dose errors related to trailing decimal points or missing weights occurred with CPOE.
Riaz 2014 [51] (Pakistan) Adult EP (homegrown) Control group 2 OPD and 2 ED 2040 (prescriptions) Medication order review 52.0 Omission errors higher on EP prescriptions which caused error increase.
Rouayroux 2019 [52] (France) Adult CPOE (commercial) Time series analysis Cardiology and diabetes depts. 3086 (pt. days) Routine pharmacist review 12.1 Unit of use errors and duplicate orders increased with CPOE.
Shawahna 2011 [71] (Pakistan) Adult/paediatric EP (homegrown) Pre-post All areas 32662 (orders) Chart review; medication order review 21.7 None found.
Shulman 2005 [53] (UK) Adult CPOE (commercial) Pre-post ICU 3465 (prescriptions) Routine pharmacist review 6.4 Errors related to overdose increased with CPOE, with the potential to cause serious morbidity or mortality. Orders were frequently unsigned and therefore invalid.
Spencer 2005 [54] (USA) Adult CPOE (commercial) Pre-post 2 medical units 4339 (pt. discharges) Voluntary error reports 1.4 23 reported errors caused by CPOE, including allergy errors, duplicate orders, input errors, and discrepancies when transcribing to pharmacy computer.
Van Doormaal 2009 [55] (The Netherlands) Adult

CPOE (site 1 commercial)

(site 2 homegrown)

Pre-post 4 medical wards 1195 (patients) Chart review; medication order review 78.6 Overriding of alerts occurred with CPOE due to alert fatigue.
Venkataraman 2016 [65] (UK) Paediatric EP (homegrown) Pre-post PCCU 251 (prescriptions) Routine pharmacist review 32.6 Wrong-patient error due to manual input of date of birth.
Warrick 2011 [66] (UK) Paediatric EP (commercial) Time series analysis PICU 624 (prescriptions) Chart review 8.8 Infusions were prescribed with no diluent or rate with EP.
Westbrook 2012 [56] (Australia) Adult CPOE (commercial) Difference in differences 6 medical wards 15194 (pt. days) Routine pharmacist review 48.5 Selection errors occurred with CPOE.