(A) CFUs in BALF from immunocompetent WT (open gray bar, n=31), Il2rgKO/WT (open blue bar, n=46), Rag1KO/WT (open green bar, n=11), Il2rgKO/Rag1KO/WT (open red bar, n=12), immunocompetent Tg+ (solid gray bar, n=12), Il2rgKO/Tg+ (solid blue bar, n=17), Rag1KO/Tg+ (solid green bar, n=15), and Il2rgKO/Rag1KO/Tg+ (solid red bar, n=14) neonates. (B) CFUs in BALF from immunocompetent WT (open gray open bar, n=11), Il2rgKO/WT (open blue open bar, n=12), Rag1KO/WT (open green open bar, n=18), Il2rgKO/Rag1KO/WT (open red open bar, n=13), immunocompetent Tg+ (open gray solid bar, n=14), Il2rgKO/Tg+ (open blue solid bar, n=11), Rag1KO/Tg+ (open green solid bar, n=11), and Il2rgKO/Rag1KO/Tg+ (open red solid bar, n=15) juveniles. The CFU values were log10-transformed with an offset of +1 (Log10+1 transformation). Error bars represent SEM. (C) Bacterial species identification using 16S gene sequencing on DNA isolated from cultured bacterial colonies. Non-parametric data (D’Agostino & Pearson test) were compared by the Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s post-test for multiple comparisons. Error bars represent SEM. *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001. BALF, Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid; CFU, Colony forming units, Il2rg, Interleukin 2 receptor gamma; Rag1, Recombinase activating gene-1.