Impact of Tubaramure on wasting (A) and weight-for-length z-score (B) in children 0 to 23.9 months in Cankuzo and Ruyigi (Burundi). Difference-in-difference impact and 1-sided 95% confidence bound (adjusted for clustering at the locality level using the Huber-White sandwich estimator) were estimated using cluster fixed effects models. Covariates in the difference-in-difference model included maternal and child age, child sex, maternal height, whether the primary caregiver was the biological mother (and the interaction between this variable and height), education levels of the mother and the head of household, dependency ratio, and household assets (n = 5081). The T24 arm received all program benefits during pregnancy and up to the age of 23.9 months for the child. The same benefits were received in the T18 arm, but food rations were discontinued when the child was 17.9 months of age. The TNFP (no food during pregnancy) arm started receiving food rations at birth, but the other benefits were the same as in T24. Complete regression results are shown in Supplemental Table 3. Abbreviations: T18, treatment arm from pregnancy to 18 months; T24, treatment arm from pregnancy to 24 months; TNFP, treatment arm from birth to 24 months.