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. 2020 Dec 4;9:e59055. doi: 10.7554/eLife.59055

Figure 5. A simple allosteric model for temperature activation of MthK.

(A) Four state binary elements model of MthK activation. The intrinsic equilibrium constant of pore opening is L0 and the calcium-binding affinity is K. The state-dependent interactions between the pore and calcium sensor are represented by L0, where X indicates the conformation of the calcium sensor (X = bound (B) or unbound (U)) and Y indicates the conformation of the Pore (Y = open (O) or closed (C)). Solid lines indicate the interactions between 'like' states and the dotted lines highlight interactions between 'unlike' states. (B) Using the model of MthK channel gating, described in A, we simulated the Hill-plot of MthK (i.e. ln [Po/(1-Po)] vs. Ca2+) at different temperatures for various model parameters. In each graph, all parameters, except the state-dependent interaction terms shown in each sub-panel, were kept constant across different temperatures. For all simulations, the values of the parameters used were: L0 = 0.1; K = 20000 M−1; K= 8; θUO= 18; θUC= 150; θBO= 8. For temperature-dependent simulations of θBC=, we use the following equation: θBC(T)=exp((ΔHBCTΔSBC)/RT), where θBCT=exp(-(HBC-TSBC)/RT) -71 kJ and HBC= -220 J/K. Similarly, SBC= (θBO 81 kJ and HBO= 310 J/K), SBO= (θUC -71 kJ and HUC= -220 J/K) and SUC= (θUO 80 kJ and HUO= 300 J/K) were calculated.

Figure 5—source data 1. Source data for simulated hill plot for various coupling parameters.

Figure 5.

Figure 5—figure supplement 1. Effect of temperature-dependent parameters on simulated Hill-plots of calcium-dependent gating of MthK.

Figure 5—figure supplement 1.

Using the model of MthK channel gating, described in Figure 5A, we simulated the Hill-plot of MthK channel (i.e. ln [Po/(1-Po)] vs. Ca2+) at different temperatures. (A) All parameters, except PO=A+B-A*xnKn+xn were kept constant across the different temperatures. This represents the case where the pore opening is innately temperature sensitive. The simulations show that the Hill-plots symmetrically translate vertically with a change in temperature but there is no change in Δχ values. (B) When the binding affinity of calcium is temperature-dependent, the Hill curves are displaced horizontally along with the calcium concentration, again with no change in L0. For all the simulations, the values of the parameters used were: L0 = 0.1; K = 20000 M−1; K= 8; θUO= 18; θUC= 150; θBO= 8. For temperature-dependent simulations of θBC= in panel A, HL = 60 kJ and SL = 200 J/K and the SL= at each temperature was directly calculated as: L0. Similarly, for temperature-dependent simulations of L0T=exp(-(HL-TSL)/RT) shown in panel B, HK = 60 KJ and SK = 220 J/K, respectively.
Figure 5—figure supplement 1—source data 1. Source data for simulated hill plot for pore intrinsic equilibrium L0 and binding affinity KB.
Figure 5—figure supplement 2. MthK activation involving multiple calcium binding sites with differing temperature-dependence.

Figure 5—figure supplement 2.

(A) A schematic of MthK with two calcium binding sites, one of which is temperature-dependent, whereas the other is not. The intrinsic equilibrium constant for pore opening is SK=, the binding affinity of calcium to the temperature-independent calcium sensor is L0, and the intrinsic temperature-dependent constant of the calcium sensor is K. Each of the three binary elements are allosterically coupled to each other. The coupling constants are indicated as D, C, and E shown in the diagram. (B) Hill plots of model simulations at different temperatures for various values of parameters C and E, as indicated in the inset. The remaining parameters were kept constant: L0 = 0.1, K = 200, and D = 100. All the parameters, except M, were assumed to be temperature independent. For the temperature sensor, HM = 60 kJ and SM = 200 J/K, respectively.
Figure 5—figure supplement 2—source data 1. Source data for simulated hill plot for multiple temperature binding sites with various temperature dependence.
Figure 5—figure supplement 3. An alternate allosteric model of MthK activation involving independent calcium and temperature sensing domains.

Figure 5—figure supplement 3.

(A) Schematic model depicting pore domain, calcium-binding domain, and temperature sensing domain each of which undergoes a change between active and passive forms. The intrinsic equilibrium constant for pore opening is SM=, the binding affinity of calcium to the RCK domain is L0, and the intrinsic temperature-dependent activation constant of the thermosensor is K. Each of the three binary elements are allosterically coupled to each other. D, C, and E indicate the coupling constants as shown in the diagram. This model is an adaptation of the nested MWC model of BK channel (Horrigan and Aldrich, 2002). (B) Hill plots of model simulations at different temperatures for various values of parameters C and E, as indicated in the inset. The remaining parameters were kept constant: L0 = 0.1, K = 200, and D = 100. All the parameters, except M0, were assumed to be temperature independent. For the temperature sensor, HM = 60 kJ and SM = 200 J/K, respectively.
Figure 5—figure supplement 3—source data 1. Source data for simulated hill plot for a model with independent calcium binding domian and temperature sensor.
Figure 5—figure supplement 4. Renormalization of state-dependent interaction parameters.

Figure 5—figure supplement 4.

The model shown in Figure 5A can be described by a reduced set of parameters, as is common in classical representations of allosteric models. The reduced parameters correspond to experimentally determined from linkage analysis of the intact protein. The apparent equilibrium constants of pore opening and ligand binding (SM= and L0') and the global coupling parameter, K0', are now dependent on the state-dependent coupling parameters. This model and that in Figure 5A thus represent the same process, but the significance of the parameters is different. The intrinsic equilibrium constants θ and K can be extracted only and only if the pore activation and calcium binding to the calcium sensor is measured in isolation. Thus, these intrinsic parameters will be different from L0 and L0' terms obtained by allosteric analysis of intact channels if there is any state-dependent interaction between the two allosteric domains.