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. 2020 Nov 20;11:489357. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.489357

Table 1.

Outline of the steps performed by Cascabel. “Script(s)” refers to Cascabel scripts in bash, java or R.

Step Tools/Algorithms Output
Initialize structure Script Project folder and file structure
Quality Control FastQC (Andrews, 2010) FastQC report
Merge reads PEAR (Zhang et al., 2014) Merged (assembled) sequences
Demultiplex QIIME (Caporaso et al., 2010b), scripts Sequences assigned to samples in one file and per sample
Align vs. reference Mothur (Schloss et al., 2009) Aligned sequences
Remove chimeras usearch61 (Edgar, 2010), Uchime_denovo and uchime_ref (VSEARCH) (Rognes et al., 2016) Chimera-free sequences
Remove adapters Cutadapt (Martin, 2011) Adapter-free sequences
Size filter Script Filtered sequences
Dereplicate VSEARCH Dereplicated sequences
Generate OTUs Mothur (Schloss et al., 2009), prefix/suffix (Caporaso et al., 2010b), CD-HIT (Li and Godzik, 2006), SUMACLUST (Kopylova et al., 2016), Swarm (Mahé et al., 2015), UCLUST (Edgar, 2010), trie (Caporaso et al., 2010b) sortmerna (Kopylova et al., 2012) OTU table
Pick representatives (OTUs) Random, longest, most_abundant, first Fasta file with representative sequences
Generate ASVs DADA2 (Callahan et al., 2016) ASV table
Assign taxonomy OTUs QIIME [BLAST (Altschul et al., 1990), UCLUST, RDP (Wang et al., 2007)], blastn (BLAST+) (Camacho et al., 2009), VSEARCH Taxonomic assignments for each OTU
Assign taxonomy ASVs RDP Taxonomic assignments for each ASV
Generate OTU table QIIME, scripts Annotated OTU table
Generate ASV table DADA2 Annotated ASV table
Alignment Pynast (Caporaso et al., 2010a), mafft (Katoh and Standley, 2013), infernal (Nawrocki and Eddy, 2013), clustalw (Larkin et al., 2007), muscle (Edgar, 2004) Multiple sequence alignment
Make tree Muscle, clustalw, raxml (Stamatakis, 2006), fasttree (Price et al., 2009) Phylogenetic tree
Report Scripts, Krona (Ondov et al., 2011) HTML, pdf report, Krona charts