Figure 5:
Distal parts within the same compartment domain can show considerable mixing but may also have low levels of strand crossing. A. Analysis of C-walks connecting two segments of 250 kb each, spaced by 0.5, 1.0 and 2.5 Mb, that are contained within a single compartment domain. The proportion of intra-segment steps in this set of C-walks is shown, separated by the total number of steps in each C-walk. Very few C-walks had more than 6 steps and are left out. The solid line shows the proportion for experimental C-walks. Grey dots correspond to the same proportion in 100 sets of permutated walks. B. (Top) Schematic depiction of the polymer chain used for simulations in the middle and lower panels. (Middle, Bottom) Snapshots of the system. C. Analysis of simul-walks obtained with polymer simulations depicted in B with and without strand passage. The statistics of simul-walks without strand passage most resemble experimental C-walks shown in A. Sum of p-values for each individual subplot is given in Supplementary Table 1. Source data are available online.