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. 2020 Oct 8;9(6):333–342. doi: 10.1007/s40037-020-00620-1

Table 3.

Details of educational activities, assignments and evaluation from courses to teach Wikipedia editing to HPE students

Author Educational activities Assignments Learning assessment Course evaluation
Apollonio 2018 [12]

– Complete readings and Wiki Edu modules

– Attend in-person project overview and editing session

In small groups, edit instructor-selected Wikipedia pages Analysis of Wikipedia edits (edits found to improve Wikipedia content quality) Surveys at multiple timepoints in the course (students reported knowledge of Wikipedia editing processes increased)
Azzam, 2017 [11]

– Participate in in-person 2‑day orientation

– Attend optional virtual instructor office hours

Independently edit Wikipedia page of student’s choice Analysis of Wikipedia edits (edits found to improve quality of Wikipedia content, including readability) Interviews and focus groups (students credited the course in improving communication skills)
Badgett, 2011 [14]

– Attend 4‑hour in-person session

– Complete online training (unspecified)

Independently edit a Wikipedia page of student’s choice Analysis of Wikipedia edits (students were judged able to edit Wikipedia content) Post-course survey (students were receptive to the course)


2017 [49]

– Attend in-person sessions

– Participate in online discussion forums on Moodle

– Independently write a Wikipedia page from an instructor-curated list

– Peer review classmate

– Final presentation

Analysis of Wikipedia edits

– Post-course survey

– Interviews (students rated their satisfaction with the course and their self-perceived knowledge as high)

Joshi, 2019 [48] (MUSC, UCF, UCSF)

– Attend in-person orientation session

– Complete Wiki Edu modules

– Attend weekly work-in-progress support sessions

– Independently or in teams edit a Wikipedia article of choice or from an instructor-curated list

– Peer review a classmate’s work

– Final presentation

Post-course survey (students reported increased perception of Wikipedia’s reliability, an inclination to encourage peers to edit Wikipedia, improved ability to practice EBM, and increased desire to contribute to the public good)
Murray, 2020 [13] Complete Wiki Edu modules

– Independently and in small groups critique Wikipedia pages flagged for improvement

– Locate information to improve pagea

– Peer review another group’s proposed edits

Analysis of student


Post-course survey (students reported satisfaction with the experience and opportunity to contribute to Wikipedia, but also identified barriers related to mechanics of editing Wikipedia and difficulty engaging with Wikipedia community)

MUSC Medical University of South Carolina, UCF University of Central Florida, UCSF University of California, San Francisco

a Students used the information located or made over 1,000 unique edits.