Boxplots showing the tSNR gains across volunteers for the no motion and nose touching paradigms for FIDnav-based dynamic distortion correction, without (A) and with (B) rigid-body realignment, and DOCMA-based dynamic distortion correction with rigid-body realignment (C). The tSNR gain was evaluated relative to static distortion correction in the whole-brain and in gray matter (GM) for each subject and scan. In the raw image series, FIDnavs resulted in a significant tSNR gain. Following rigid-body realignment, FID-navigated dynamic distortion correction results in a small tSNR improvement relative to static correction. DOCMA results were more variable. Boxes delineate 25th and 75th quantiles, with whiskers extending to the most extreme points. Median and mean are denoted by solid lines and open circles, respectively. Results of one-sided Wilcoxon signed rank test denoted by *.