Transcriptional Regulators of Acinar Differentiation
(A) UMAP of integrated SMG epithelium highlighting end bud, proacinar, and acinar populations colored by cell type.
(B) Analysis of TFs correlated with Bhlha15. Color scale represents correlation scores (p < 0.05).
(C) Heatmap showing scaled expression of Bhlha15-correlated genes in end bud, proacinar, and acinar clusters. The colored bars represent developmental stages.
(D) Schematic summarizing gene expression changes of selected genes throughout development. Blue area shows genes that decrease in expression, whereas red indicates genes that increase during acinar differentiation.
(E) Violin plots of top differentially expressed TFs between P1 Smgc+ proacinar and P30 Smgc+ cells. Color scale consistent with Figure 6C.
(F) Venn diagram of the comparison between defining genes for P1 proacinar populations and seromucous acinar cells at P30.
(G) Violin plots of top differentially expressed TFs between P1 Bpifa2+ proacinar and P30 seromucous acinar cells. Color scale consistent with Figure 6C.