Figure 4.
Epistatic interaction between loci on chromosomes 4 and 6 regulates Arhgap25 mRNA expression. Arhgap25 mRNA expression based on genotype at SNP markers (A) rs13478003 on chromosome 4 and (B) rs13478976 on chromosome 6. Each dot represents one mouse. (C) QTL mapping results for main effects on chromosomes 4 and 6. The LOD threshold for significance (P < 0.05) was calculated using R/qtl and is indicated by a horizontal line. Mb position is indicated for both chromosomes 4 and 6 along the x-axis. No significant QTL were detected. (D) Arhgap25 mRNA expression based on the combined genotypes at rs13478003 on chromosome 4 and rs13478976 on chromosome 6. (E) QTL mapping results for interaction effects on chromosomes 4 and 6. The LOD threshold for significance (P < 0.05) was calculated by R/qtl using 10,000 permutations and is indicated by a horizontal line. The most significant interaction QTL were detected with peaks at rs13478003 (69.1 Mb) and rs13478976 (52.2 Mb). Mb position is indicated for both chromosomes 4 and 6 along the x-axis. (F) Context- dependent effects of the BB and AB genotypes at rs13478003 and rs13478976. Mean and standard error are shown for each genotype combination. An “A” genotype indicates A/J-derived. A “B” genotype indicates C57BL/6J-derived.