Fig. 4. BAH–PHD–CPL2 complex represses the expression of H3K27me3-enriched genes.
a The numbers of up- and down-DEGs identified in the selected mutants. A twofold cutoff was used for the DEG criterion. b The BAH–PHD–CPL2 complex primarily represses low-expression genes. The gene expression levels of up-DEGs were classified into four groups according to their FPKM values in Col-0 mRNA-seq. All the annotated genes serve as controls. c A Venn diagram showing the overlap of up-DEGs between the selected mutants. d A heatmap showing the expression analysis in selected mutants. The genes in the upper and lower panels represent the common 155 up-DEGs and up-DEGs of aipp2-1paipp2-1, respectively. e The distribution of different histone marks in the respective up-DEGs of selected mutants. TTS transcription termination site. f Snapshots showing the expression of the selected target genes. One representative replicate of mRNA-seq and histone ChIP-seq are shown. The adjacent genes with high H3K4me3/low H3K27me3 were also shown as parallel controls. g, h ChIP-qPCR showing the H3K27me3 (g) and H3K4me3 (h) density at the selected target genes. The ChIP signals were normalized to histone H3. The data are means ± S.D. of three technical repeats. One representative result of three biological replicates is shown. The lowercase letters represent the ChIP-qPCR examined regions as shown in f.