Fig. 2. Ser-105 and Ser-106 are essential for ADF4 interaction with actin.
a Co-immunoprecipitation of ADF4 phosphorylation variants with Arabidopsis actin following transient expression in N. benthamiana; the phosphomimetic variants do not co-immunoprecipitated with Actin. b In vivo fluorescence microscopy localization of ADF4 variants and actin-binding domain. Constructs were co-expressed in N. benthamiana as N-terminal mRFP fusion proteins for ADF4 variants and a C-terminal GFP fusion protein for fABD2 using A. tumefaciens-mediated transient expression. Arrows indicate co-localization of the fluorescence signal with F-actin. Scale bar = 10 μm. Experiments were performed three times with similar results, and 30 images were collected in total for each co-expressed construct.