Table 1.
Definition of LLDAS, DORIS clinical remission on treatment and DORIS complete remission
LLDAS | DORIS clinical remission on treatmenta | DORIS complete remissionb |
SLEDAI-2K ≤4, with no activity in major organ systems and no new features of activity compared to previous assessment | Clinical SLEDAI=0 | Clinical SLEDAI=0 |
Serological activity allowed (as long as total SLEDAI-2K ≤4) | Serological activity allowed | No serological activity |
SELENA-SLEDAI PGA ≤1 (scale 0–3) | SELENA-SLEDAI PGA ≤0.5 (scale 0–3) | SELENA-SLEDAI PGA ≤0.5 (scale 0–3) |
Current prednisolone (or equivalent) dose ≤7.5 mg | Low-dose glucocorticoids (e.g. prednisone ≤5 mg/ day) allowed | No glucocorticoids |
Standard maintenance doses of immunosuppressive drugs and approved biological agents, excluding investigational drugs | Maintenance antimalarials, immunosuppressives and/or stable (maintenance) biologics allowed | Maintenance antimalarials allowed, but no immunosuppresives and/or biologics |
Serological activity – elevation of antibodies to dsDNA levels above the upper limit of laboratory normal or lowering of complement component 3 and/or 4 levels below the lower limit of laboratory normal. aMost attainable of the eight possible definitions of remission. bLeast attainable of the eight possible definitions of remission. DORIS: definitions of remission in systemic lupus erythematosus; LLDAS: lupus low disease activity state; PGA: physician global assessment; SELENA-SLEDAI: Safety of Estrogen in Lupus National Assessment-SLEDAI; SLEDAI-2K: SLEDAI 2000.