Fig. 6.
GSEA validation of the potential COVD-19 therapeutic drugs. A. GSEA summary plot of reversal effects of potential therapeutic drugs on upregulated gene signature of COVID-19. B. GSEA summary plot of reversal effects of potential therapeutic drugs on downregulated gene signature of COVID-19. NES > 1 means genes affected by drugs was positively correlated with COVID-19 gene signatures while NES < -1 means genes affected by drugs was negatively correlated with COVID-19 gene signatures. C. Reversal scores for predicting potential therapeutic drugs. Microarray profiling of whole blood leukocyte from15 healthy donors who pretreated with etanercept or placebo then received an intravenous injection of endotoxin challenge (GSE36177) was analyzed by GSEA, Over-expression (Up) or down-expression (Down) genes in gene signatures of GSE147507, CRA002390 and E-MTAB-8871 were used as reference gene sets. D. Reversal effect of etanercept on gene signatures of COVID-19. E. Metascape pathway enrichments of 860 upregulated and 730 downregulated DEGs (q-value < 0.01) induced by etanercept treatment, respectively.