Lighting |
In this place the light level is high enough that I can see everything clearly. |
The light in this place is very good. |
To a large extent this place seems to be dominated by low light or deep shadow. |
Mystery |
To a large extent this place hides positive or negative encounters that might lie ahead. |
To a large extent this place promises more to be seen if I could walk deeper in it. |
Naturalness |
There are many trees, vegetations, and flowers in this place. |
Nature Care |
The nature (foliage, vegetation) in this place appears to be very well tended or well cared for. |
Nuisance Elements |
Nuisances elements (e.g., wires, poles, fences, trash cans, signs, deterioration) are prominent in this place. |
Perceived Crowding |
This place is free for moving around. |
This place is very cramped. |
This place is very crowded. |
This place is very spacious. |
This place is very stuffy. |
Refuge |
To a large extent this place contains possible hiding places that I am viewing from the outside. |
Safety |
I have a very good overview over the environment of this place. |
In this place, I can see objects very well. |
In this place, I can see very well what is happening. |
It is very easy for ill-intentioned people to find a hiding place in this place. |
It is very easy to bring myself into safety in this place. |
It would be very hard for an ill-intentioned person to entrap me in this place. |
There are many areas in this place where a potential criminal can hide. |
There is a large probability that an ill-intentioned person would hide in this place. |
There is a large probability that I can escape this place in case of an emergency. |