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. 2020 Nov 23;49(8):20200145. doi: 10.1259/dmfr.20200145

Table 3.

Recommended standardisation of CBCT machines features to be reported by the manufacturers

Features Specific features Descriptiona
General Dimensions Width x depth x (maximum) height in meters
Weight Total machine weight in kilograms, without workstation
Patient positioning Standing, sitting, supine. Wheelchair accessibility
Software (acquisition) Software used for image acquisition
Software (DICOM viewer) Software used as DICOM viewer
Availability of DICOM structured report tools
X-rays Tube voltage (kV) Fixed (exact value) or variable (range)
Tube current (mA) Fixed (exact value) or variable (range)
Focal spot size Focal spot size in millimeters
X-rays beam generation Pulsed or continuous x-rays generation
Detector Detector type Type of the detector used for CBCT acquisitions (incl. scintillator and signal read-out system)
Detector dimensions Detector width x height in centimeters
Detector resolution Detector width x height in pixels
Binning (if applicable)
Detector bit depth Signal range of the detector
Volume and resolution Available FOV All available possibilities of FOV in the machine, not just the smallest and the biggest
Stitching for extended FOV The use of stitching to achieve bigger volumes. Specify if it is horizontal or vertical (or both) stitching
Voxel size All available voxel sizes, not just the smallest and the biggest
Rotation angle Rotation arc of the gantry during acquisition
Times Scan time Time taken for the whole scan (mean and range)
Exposure time Time taken only when the X-rays generation is occurring (mean and range)
Reconstruction time Time taken for the volume reconstruction (mean and range)
Radiation dose Dose index Range of RDSR-compliant dose index values (preferably dose-area product, possibly dose-length product), considering low- and high-dose protocols
Effective dose Range of effective dose (in µSv) calculated in an appropriate phantom, considering low- and high-dose protocols

CBCT, cone beam CT; FOV: field of view; RDSR: radiation dose structured report; µSv: micro-sieverts;kV: kilovoltage; mA: miliamper.


Importantly, for hybrid machines, the CBCT features should be reported separately from those of cephalometric and panoramic imaging.