Fig. 5.
Targeted glycosylation analysis using ESI-TOF MS of immunopurified glycoproteins identifies subtle improvement of glycosylation following fucose substitution.
A) ESI-TOF MS identified truncated and non-fucosylated glycan species that decreased to or close to ranges seen in controls under fucose supplementation. Fucosylated glycan species showed fluctuations, remaining below reference ranges (Supplementary Fig. 2). B) Targeted analysis of fucosylation of an agalactosylated glycan on IgG Fc showed an initial increase while later falling to the ranges of initial values under higher doses of fucose and additional galactose. Fucosylation of serum transferrin at one of the two glycosylation site showed fluctuations in % fucosylation of a disialo-glycan without any clear effect of fucose supplementation.