Fig. 1.
Experimental design and data overview. (A) Fecal microbiomes from seven individuals were cultured in medium (as the blank control) or culture medium containing one of the following materials: RS2 (Hi Maize 260), RS3(Novelose 330), RS4(Fibersym RW), FOS, or corn starch. Cultured microbiomes were analyzed using our metaproteomics workflow. (B) Number of MS/MS identified in the dataset. (C) Number of peptides identified in the dataset; (D) PCA generated using RS-treated, FOS-treated, CS-treated and blank control microbiomes; (E) PCA generated using RS-treated and blank control microbiomes; (F) PCA of RS-treated and blank control microbiomes after EB regression; (G)-(I) PCA plots of RS2-RS4 versus the blank control using EB-corrected data; (J)-(L) Volcano plots of RS2-RS4 versus the blank control generated using EB-corrected data. The p values were calculated using Wilcoxon test, and were adjusted using FDR method. Blue arrow means logical relationship in the data analysis workflow. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)