Fig. 2.
Water-cue-evoked phasic dopamine activity is dependent on physiological state. (A) VTA dopamine neuron activity time locked to water-cue presentation (dotted line) in euvolemic (ad libitum fed/watered) or water-deprived rats with quantification in B. (C) Latency to first lick and lick rate in euvolemic or water-deprived rats from A and B. (D) NAc dopamine release time locked to water-cue presentation in euvolemic or water-deprived rats with quantification in E. (F) Latency to first lick and lick rate in euvolemic or water-deprived rats from D–E. (G) VTA dopamine neuron activity time locked to water-cue presentation in euvolemic, overnight food-deprived, or overnight water-deprived rats with quantification in H. (I) Latency to first lick and lick rate in euvolemic, food-deprived, or water-deprived rats from G and H. Dark lines in A, D, and G are means and shading are SEM. Bars and whiskers in B, E, and H are means SEM. Gray boxes in B, E, and H represent 1-s time window postcue onset for quantification and analysis. *P < 0.05 vs. euvolemic. n.s., not significant vs. euvolemic.