Figure 4.
Prototypes (Ptype): Percentile Rank Across Variables Corresponding to the Extreme Exemplars of the Different Patterns Found in the Data. The 26 outcomes corresponding to the different aspects of auditory processing are divided into the following subdimensions: AUD: Audibility; LOUD: Loudness; SiN: speech-in-noise perception; SiQ: speech-in-quiet; BIN: binaural processing abilities. STM: spectrotemporal modulation sensitivity; STR: spectrotemporal processing abilities, divided into temporal and spectral masking release as well as tone-in-noise detection. Subgroups of measures with frequency-specific outcomes were divided into low (LF) and high (HF) frequencies.
STR = spectrotemporal resolution; HTL = hearing threshold levels; MCL = most comfortable level; DynR = dynamic range; FLFT = fixed-level frequency threshold; SRTQ = speech reception threshold in quiet; IPD = interaural phase difference; BMR = binaural masking release; TMR = temporal masking release; SMR = spectral masking release; TiN = tone-in-noise.