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. 2020 Dec 7;8:49. doi: 10.1186/s40462-020-00233-7

Table 1.

Network metrics used in this study. In the "Range of values" column, square brackets indicate that a range includes the endpoint and parentheses indicate that a range excludes the endpoint. In each example diagram, nodes of different colors represent different habitat types or land cover classes

Name Definition Ecological interpretation Range of values Example
Network-level metrics
 Edge density The proportion of potential connections in the network that are realized Landscape connectedness (0,1] graphic file with name 40462_2020_233_Figa_HTML.gif
 Assortativity The tendency of nodes with similar properties to be connected to one another Connectivity among habitats of the same vs. of different types [-1,1] graphic file with name 40462_2020_233_Figb_HTML.gif
 Modularity The ability of a network to be divided into communities, where there are few edges between communities Aggregation of groups of patches, “functional spatial structure” [46] [0,1] graphic file with name 40462_2020_233_Figc_HTML.gif
Node-level metrics
 Degree centrality The number of links of a focal node. In a directed network, can be in-degree (the number of incoming links) or out-degree (the number of outgoing links) The potential number of other patches that a contaminant, nutrient, etc. could directly spread to (out-degree) or come from (in-degree) (0,N] (N=# of nodes in net-work) graphic file with name 40462_2020_233_Figd_HTML.gif
 Betweenness centrality The fraction of shortest paths between nodes that pass through the focal node Role of a patch as a “stepping stone” that connects otherwise-separated groups of patches [0,1] graphic file with name 40462_2020_233_Fige_HTML.gif
 Node size Sum of all edge weights entering and leaving a node Number of visits to a patch [1,Infinity)