Fig. 1.
Heatmaps of the CpGs and cord diagrams of the CpGs and factors. (a). Heatmaps of the 109 IGF2-related CpGs (upper rows) and 53 H19-related CpGs (lower rows). From left to right panels: heatmap of the beta-values, gene region annotation of the CpGs, CpG island annotation of the CpGs and correlation heatmap of the pairwise Pearson correlations. b. IGF2 CpGs and c H19 CpGs shown with beta-value averaged over all observations and their genomic context (obtained via UCSC Genome Browser). Factors were shown in different colors and the width represents the relative amount of variance explained by each factor. "F." is the abbreviation of "Factor". Factors and CpGs were connected with colored ribbons representing the factor loadings, where only loadings with absolute value larger than 0.45 were shown and higher color saturation indicates higher value of the loading. Except the loading of cg26913576 (the second CpG from left in (B)) on IGF2 Factor 1 was − 0.62, all loadings shown in these two diagrams were positive