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. 2020 Dec 7;8:218. doi: 10.1186/s40478-020-01097-z

Table 1.

Characteristics of CBD patients and controls

Variable CBD patients (N = 230) Controls (N = 1312)
Age (years)1 70 (46, 96) 69 (45, 92)
 Female 119 (51.7%) 611 (46.6%)
 Male 111 (48.3%) 701 (53.4%)
Age of CBD onset (years) 64 (41, 86) N/A
Disease duration (years) 6 (2, 16) N/A
Braak stage
 0 27 (13.8%) N/A
 I 36 (18.4%) N/A
 II 66 (33.7%) N/A
 III 53 (27.0%) N/A
 IV 11 (5.6%) N/A
 V 2 (1.0%) N/A
 VI 1 (0.5%) N/A
Thal phase
 0 105 (53.6%) N/A
 1 35 (17.9%) N/A
 2 24 (12.2%) N/A
 3 25 (12.8%) N/A
 4 3 (1.5%) N/A
 5 4 (2.0%) N/A
CB overall tau pathology score 0.77 (0.23, 1.75) N/A
NFT overall tau pathology score 2.19 (1.13, 2.62) N/A
AP overall tau pathology score 0.53 (0.24, 1.04) N/A
NT overall tau pathology score 2.52 (1.24, 2.95) N/A

CBD corticobasal degeneration, CB coiled bodies, NFT neurofibrillary tangles, AP astrocytic plaques, NT neuropil threads

The sample median (minimum, maximum) is given for age. 1 Age represents age at death in CBD patients and age at blood draw in controls. Information was unavailable in CBD cases for age of CBD onset (N = 42), disease duration (N = 42), Braak stage (N = 34), Thal phase (N = 34), CB overall tau pathology score (N = 34), NFT overall tau pathology score (N = 34), AP overall tau pathology score (N = 34), and NT overall tau pathology score (N = 34)