Figure 7. Further understanding of the POD ratio distribution.
(A) The log10POD ratio is illustrated for the PODNAM,95 and the PODNAM, 50. The solid black line indicates where the log10-POD ratio95 is 0. Using the more conservative (i.e., lower) PODNAM,95, 48 of the 448 substances (10.7%) demonstrated a log10POD ratio < 0 (to the left of the dashed vertical line), whereas 92 of the 448 substances (20.5%) demonstrated a log10-POD ratio < 0 using the PODNAM,50. The medians of the log10-POD ratio distributions are indicated by dashed lines for PODNAM, 95 and PODNAM, 50 as 2 and 1.2, respectively. (B) Maximum AED (max AED) was less than the PODtraditional (5th-%ile POD) in 60% of the cases where the log10POD ratio95 > 0 (using PODNAM, 95). For the 48 chemicals with log10POD ratio95 < 0, the max AED was within the range of PODtraditional.