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. 2020 Jan 31;16(10):1905852. doi: 10.1002/smll.201905852

Figure 4.

Figure 4

PVC interneuron responds to repeated chemical or mechanical stimuli. The activity of PVC interneurons can be differently modulated depending on the timing, intensity, and duration of stimuli. A,B) PVC responses to repeated chemical stimulations with different durations of stimuli. A) 20 s interstimulus interval with 10 s 0.1% SDS stimulation (n = 10) and B) 30 s interstimulus interval with 30 s 0.1% SDS stimulation (n = 14). C,D) PVC responses to repeated strong 1 s mechanical stimulations with different durations of interval. C) 10 s interstimulus interval (n = 21) and D) 30 s interstimulus interval (n = 16). E) Applying a subthreshold SDS stimulus (5 s 0.1%) enhances the PVC responses to a subsequent 30 s 0.1% SDS stimulus (n = 13). F) Quantitative comparison of the maximum responses of the PVC calcium transients, with and without the initial subthreshold stimulus (single chem: n = 30, chem + chem: n = 13, Mann–Whitney test, ***p < 0.001). G) 20 s interstimulus interval with 1 s weak mechanical stimuli (n = 19). H) Quantitative comparison using the maximum responses of calcium transients from (G) (single mech: n = 22, mech + mech: n = 19). F,H) Data points represent maximum responses of each trial, using single chemical and mechanical data from Figure 3D,E, respectively.