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. 2020 Sep 22;42(1):110–127. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25208


Results from the context‐dependent interaction

Location Hemisphere x y z t Cluster size
High > low predictable sentences
Middle cingulate cortex R 3 –34 38 7.49 159
Middle cingulate cortex L –4 –30 42 7.17 Subcluster
Middle temporal gyrus L 60 52 −5 6.85 150
Middle temporal gyrus L −54 −62 2 6.6 Subcluster
Angular gyrus (PFm/PGa) L 42 62 50 6.47 135
Angular gyrus (PGa) L −42 −70 42 6.31 Subcluster
Angular gyrus (PGp) L −34 −77 42 6.02 Subcluster
Angular Gyrus (PGp)/middle occipital gyrus L 34 77 30 6.34 51
Angular gyrus (PGp) L −42 −77 28 5.63 Subcluster
Supramarginal gyrus L −60 −30 30 5.91 26
Inferior temporal gyrus L −47 −52 −25 5.82 21
Precuneus L −10 −47 55 5.62 15
Low > high predictable sentences
Presupplementary motor area/paracingulate gyrus R/L 0 16 50 7.72 138
Inferior frontal gyrus (p. orbitalis, area 45) L −42 26 −10 6.47 106
Insular cortex L 30 26 −2 6.43 Subcluster
Inferior frontal gyrus (p. triangularis, area 45) L −50 23 5 5.9 Subcluster
Inferior frontal gyrus (p. triangularis, area 45) L −44 20 0 5.88 Subcluster
Insular cortex R 30 26 −2 6.13 24
Inferior frontal gyrus (p. triangularis, BA 45) L −57 20 15 5.71 16
Inferior frontal gyrus (p. triangularis, BA 45) L −50 20 18 5.07 Subcluster

Note: High > low predictable sentences: Regions showing greater activity for high as compared to low predictable sentences under increasing intelligibility; Low > high predictable sentences: Regions showing greater activity for low as compared to high predictable sentences under increasing intelligibility. Regions are reported at a peak‐level FWE‐correcting threshold at an alpha of .05. Seed regions for DCM analyses are highlighted in bold.