(A) Representative traces from CA1 pyramidal neurons showing the membrane potential response to a 250 pA current injection in neurons from old animals treated with either vehicle (light blue) or ISRIB (dark blue) or young animals treated with vehicle (orange). Quantification of the action potential (AP) including the half width (B), amplitude (C), and threshold (D) did not show significant differences between CA1 pyramidal recordings from old, old + ISRIB-treated, or young mice. Likewise, evaluation of the maximum firing frequency (E) or how the frequency of spiking changes over time, quantified by the adaptation index (F) or with current injection, quantified by the slope of the relationship of firing frequency versus amplitude of current injection (F/I slope) (G) was also not significantly different between groups. Finally, passive membrane properties including the membrane time constant (tau) (H), membrane resistance (Rm) (I), and the resting membrane potential (J) were not significantly altered by age or ISRIB treatment. Each neuron is represented with a symbol; solid lines indicate the mean ± SEM. (One-way ANOVA for all comparisons; Neurons: and Young males n = 12 (5 animals); Old males n = 15 (5 animals), Old + ISRIB males n = 22 (7 animals)) with 1–5 neurons recorded per animal.