Figure 10. Preventive and therapeutic treatment of ASOs in experimental HCC.
HCC was induced by weekly intraperitoneal DEN injection for 25 weeks. Control mice received weekly intraperitoneal 0.9% NaCl injection. DEN-treated mice were intraperitoneally injected with 20 mg/kg HIF-1α ASO, HIF-2α ASO or scrambled ASO twice per week. In the preventive setting, ASO injections started 10 weeks following the first DEN injection (at 15 weeks of age) and persisted for a period of 15 weeks. In the therapeutic setting, ASO injections started 20 weeks following the first DEN injection (at 25 weeks of age) and persisted for a period of 8 weeks. Control mice received scrambled ASO for the same duration of the experiment. Following respective treatment periods, mice were sacrificed and the liver was isolated for further analyses.