Fig. 4. Methylation level of PlncRNA-1 promoter.
A Wander tool analysis for the degree of PlncRNA-1 promoter methylation in BC tissues. B MEXPRESS tool analysis for the relationship between the degree of PlncRNA-1 promoter methylation and its expression level in BC. C, D BSAS analysis for the degree of PlncRNA-1 promoter region methylation. E, F The effect of AZA treatment on the methylation level of PlncRNA-1 promoter at position 131. The red peak represents the base T, which is unmethylated. The blue peak represents the base C, which is methylated. Black dots represent methylation, whereas white ones represent unmethylation. G The expression level of PlncRNA-1 after treatment of BC cells with varied AZA concentrations. H Degree of PlncRNA-1 promoter region methylation in BC tissues. I The expression level of PlncRNA-1 in six pairs of normal and BC tissues.